Letter from our President
Hi! I’m Erin, our current chapter president!
I decided to rush Phi Rho during the spring quarter of my first year here at UCSB and when I walked into my first recruitment event, I didn’t know what to expect. But it didn’t take me long to realize that I had walked into a room full of people who embodied the kind of person, student, and friend that I aspired to be. From that moment on, I have been wholeheartedly committed to our Phi Rho community.
Phi Rho is my support system and is the reason I’m able to stay grounded even when life as a STEM major gets hectic. I always have someone to study with, someone to ask for advice, and something fun on my weekly planner.
I have made so many amazing memories here already. I’ve gone on group hikes with shelter pups, gotten my hands dirty volunteering at a local farm with my siblings, and taught science experiments to Girl Scouts. I’ve competed against my siblings in many games of custom Jeopardy, created countless painting-related art projects, and road-tripped to a cozy cabin for our yearly retreat. I’ve walked into my dorm hallway as a first-year to find an elaborate surprise from my future big, and I’ve snuck back into the dorms as a second-year to leave similar surprises for my own littles. Throughout all of it, I have been endlessly grateful that I was able to find a group of people whose company I treasure more than any other part of my college experience.
There is absolutely nowhere else I’d rather be every Sunday night.
Phi Rho Love,
Erin Thomas
President, Phi Sigma Rho Alpha Xi Chapter
UC Santa Barbara